Being a young unit many of our members have served or still serve in the US Armed Forces, many of whom are experienced NCOs, or other countries military. The 3rd Ranger Battalion is a relatively young unit only being around for only a few months, many of our members have played in other "MilSim" or "Realism" units for over a year either on their own or together. Typically, we do CoOp missions as a group but we do our fair share of PvP within the group and possibly with other units. We have set training and operation days, though they are considered mandatory we understand real life comes first. Everything is done fairly, justly, for the betterment of the unit, and for MilSim. Our rank structure is idendical to the US Army and you progress through the ranks by your actions not whether or not your on the Commanders good side or not. We take pride in what we do to simulate the military through a computer game, just like some people may reenact in real life with era correct clothing an such we use our mouse and keyboard. Simply put we reenact or portray a unit within the United States Armed Forces, specificly the 3rd Ranger Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Under the title of "MilSim", Military Simulation, we follow the current military rank structure, chain of command, tactics, values, and principals. If you're tired of children or inexperienced players throwing together "Realism" or "MilSim" units claiming to be 100% authentic to the military but have no idea when it comes down it or just don't make the cut after a few weeks or months, then check us out. Hello to any and all that read this, my name is SPC Hammonds and I am with the 3rd Ranger Battalion MilSim Unit.

"Higher standard of military simulation gaming"