This improved the performance of Ray Tracing Mode. Optimized ray-traced global illumination on next-gen consoles.Improved SSR quality on next-gen consoles.This issue caused issues with saving, as well as user settings being reset. Fixed issue where consoles can make more saves than the limit.This improves framerate as it prioritizes performance over range and precision. Players can toggle this with compatible hardware. Added a performance mode to ray-traced global illumination.Players who play on high SSR quality may notice a performance impact after this patch. Fixed issue with Screen Space Reflections (SSR) not working on PC.Without further ado, here are the patch notes for Patch 4.01 in The Witcher 3. Although fixes have already been rolled out, it's good to see that CD Projekt Red is still working on bringing more stability to the game. The patch aims to improve the “overall stability and performance of the game on next-gen consoles and PC, and brings various fixes to all platforms.” This is good, as the release of the game's next-gen update brought with it various problems, especially for PC players. Patch 4.01 for The Witcher 3 came out on February 2, 2023, and rolled out to all platforms. CD Projekt Red recently released the patch notes for The Witcher 3's patch 4.01, which includes various quest and gameplay updates, as well as platform-specific fixes.